In this final episode, PJ and Jessie reflect on what they have gained from their time as Peepshow co-hosts, where they are now in their careers, why the show is ending, and what is next for them. Hosts: Jessie Sage, PJ Patella-Rey Sponsor: Assembly Four
sex work
Episode 99: Health Care Access for Sex Workers
Jessie Sage and Peepshow Podcast Intern Bella Cowan talk to sex workers and doctors about the barriers to health care access that sex workers face, what sex workers are doing to get their needs met, and how the health care system can better accommodate them. Also, check out the Kinkly article Jessie and Bella co-authored […]
Episode 98: Sex Workers Talk Trek
As we wrap up Peepshow, we made sure to do the episode that host PJ Sage has been dying to do since we started Peepshow in 2017: Sex Workers Talk Trek. We invited our friends Hunny Daniels and Princess Berpl, also long-time Star Trek fans, to discuss the sexiness and social value of Trek. We talk about our favorite characters, […]
Sanitizinizing Stories of True Terror
Reflections on the True Crime Genre
What Do Sex Workers Lose When Our Social Media Accounts Are Shut Down?
Lita Lecherous writes about what it felt like to lose her social media presence when Twitter deleted her account.
Episode 83: Sex work, Motherhood, and Narrative with Juniper Fitzgerald
Juniper Fitzgerald talks motherhood, pregnancy, sex work, and more.
The Seattle #OldProProject Creates a Music Video to Celebrates Sex Worker History
Art punches people in the feels and makes them react.
Call for Contributors to a New Book on the Sex Industry
Calling sex working writers to contribute papers to a new volume on the sex industry.
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