A pulsating minimalist darkwave track builds to an urgent crescendo, as domestic perfection is disrupted by erotic urges.
In this music video for CORPS’s track “À CORPS,” director Yoann Stehr takes us into the idealistic world of 1970s decor. The film at first appears to be a celebration of Architectural Digest perfection: saturated magazine images of conversation pits, velour, red, orange, amber, and yellow. Bedrooms and boudoirs are bedecked with velvet, serving as maximalist pleasure palaces of a lost luxury era.
Slowly however, we start to see silhouettes of sultry heroines constructed from magazine clippings, overlaid to create a moving collage like American artist Lewis Klahr’s 1970s cutout animations. Into these perfectly posed showrooms come sexy people fucking in twos and threes, athletic positions contrasting the stiffness of the showroom residents. They are doing all the filthy things you really want to do when you see frustratingly fancy hotel rooms and pristine, unliveable Insta-cribs.
This is a stylish NSFW mood board, an artwork of lust and luxury. The naked bodies flicker past with speed, like the nameless beauties we see every day in advertising and media. The static perfection of affluent lifestyles is further infused with more and more smut—hands, cunts, dicks, hair, mouths, spit, and nails. There is group sex on the living room TV screens, tits filling the frame and collages of dick shapes cut out of food magazines sucked by red-lipped sirens, perverting the recipes.
We’re reminded that it’s often the rich who live hidden, scandalous lives, performing filth behind their mahogany doors. That domestic perfection and traditional mid-century gender roles are a breeding ground for sexual repression, quashing simmering unspoken desires.
Little by little, the purity of the domestic setting is taken over by this glorious, ecstatic, technicolor smut. It’s a perfect accompaniment to a darkly energetic track, and a worthy winner of several Best Music Video prizes at recent animation festivals. The video is a hot, mesmerizing and truly entertaining piece of moving image art.
“À CORPS” is available on PinkLabel.tv
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