Section 230: Fair Reporting
60 Minutes has a long and stellar reputation for presenting issues and occurrences in a fact-based, balanced way. They share the feedback from the audience and respond appropriately if they need to rectify an error.
Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes presented a segment on Section 230 about why victims of violence want it repealed. Both Democrats and Republicans and President-elect Biden support the repeal of this act. With only one side of the facts being shared, it’s impossible for our lawmakers to reach an informed decision. This kind of coverage leaves them with knee-jerk responses to incorrect assertions that repealing Section 230 will end online hate speech, violence, and harassment.
The signers are petitioning 60 Minutes and Scott Pelley to do a follow-up program with Free Speech and Internet law experts like Lawrence G. Walters, Esq. and Professor Eric Goldman.
Sign petition here.
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